Dr. Vidhin Kamble Dept. of Zoology. Sangola College, Sangola

Showing posts with label Light as Abiotic Factor of Environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Light as Abiotic Factor of Environment. Show all posts

12 December 2020

Light as Abiotic Factor of Environment

The natural source of light is the sun, moon, stars, bioluminescent organisms.  Whatever the energy required for the organism under natural condition is derived directly or indirectly from the sun. light is an important abiotoc factor of great ecological and physiological significance. 

          Light is essential for synthesis of food by green plants which interns support all animal life on the earth.  It also responsible for various structural peculiarities and behavioral patterns.

The light is of two type

1.     Visible light: It forms a visible spectrum.

2.     Invisible light: it includes X- rays, - rays (Gama), Cosmic rays, infrared light, radar waves, microwaves, radiation etc.

Composition of radiant energy:

The solar radiation energy consists of electromagnetic waves that extend from very short wave length of high frequency to very long wave length of low frequency.

          The short wave length radiation includes X- rays, - rays (Gama), Cosmic rays, infrared light  etc. 

The visible spectrum is made up of series of colour ranging from violate, indigo, blue, green, orange, yellow and red (VIBGOYR).

Effect of light on animal:

Light is one of the complex environmental factor which have many effect on animal and acts as important limiting factor for many multisided activities of the animals. The light affect on different biological process like pigmentation, reproduction, development, growth, locomotion, migration, etc and some other structural and behavioral characteristic of animal.  Some effects of light on animal which are summarized as follows.

a.     Effect on metabolism:

b.      Effect of light on Reproduction

c.      Effect of light on the development

d.     Effect of light on eyes

e.      Effect of light on vision

f.       Effect of light on pigmentation

g.     Effect of light on locomotion

h.     Effect of light on plants:

Effect on metabolism:

Light has significant effect on metabolism of animal.  In addition to heating the tissue, the absorbed radiations brings about isolation of protoplasm.  It leads to increase in enzyme activities. 

          The animals which live in a cave having a slow rate of metabolism and sluggish in their habit.

Effect of light on Reproduction:

In many animal, light initiate the annual breeding activities by activating gonads. Eg. Bird, deer, goat, etc.

Effect of light on development:

Light in some case accelerate the development whereas in other it retard the development. Eg. Salmon larvae undergoes normal development only when sufficient light is available.  In absence of light the developments not normal and there is heavy death of larvae.

Effect of light on eyes:

The degree of development of eyes depends upon intensity of light available in the environment. In deep sea water  where light penetration is not take place in such conditions eyes are very poorly developed.

Effect of light on vision:

The most significant aspect of light for man and for other higher animals.  Man is able to see various objects only in the presence of one or other form of light only.

Effect of light on pigmentation:

Light energy initiates certain chemical changes which result in the formation of pigmentation by synthesis of color pigments.

a.       Skin colour

b.      Protective coloration

c.       Color change

a) skin colour:

Lack  of pigment in cave animal is due to absence of light.  Due to normal exposure to light leads to abundance (Hkjiwj) of pigment is take place.

b)Protective colorations:

Pigmentation of numbers of animals forms colouration which serves them for protection from enemies.  Proactive coloration is simply matching with surroundings environment or background.  Eg. Leaf insect, chameleon, butterfly, insects etc.

c) Color change:

Some animals are able to suit the environment in which they live eg. Insect, fishes, amphibian, reptile etc.

Effect of light on locomotion:

In some lower animal locomotion is controlled by light which is termed as Photo kinesis.

The blind larva of mussel crab moves fast when exposed to increased light intensity.  Many animals include aquatic animals and insects showed such type of behavior.

a)    Phototaxis: movement of animal in response to light stimulus is called as phototaxis.

If the animal moves toward the source of light is called the Positive (+ve) phototaxis. Eg. Euglena

If animal moves away from the source of light or to avoid light is known as negative (-ve) phototaxis. Eg. Earthworm, planaria, etc.

a)    Phototropism. When only a part of an organism shows response to the stimulus is called Phototropism.

a)    Photoperiodism: response of animal to the length of day light is termed as Photoperiodism.

Eg. Light affect the gonadial actives ad reproductive cycle, metamorphosis, migration(LFkykarj ) and other life process.

Effect of light on plants:

Light plays very important role in the life of  plant.  Nearly all aspects and activities of plants are structured by light only.  It involves physiology, growth, reproduction, development, local distribution etc.


Effect on photosynthesis: photosynthetic activity is  only efficient  means in which energy is trapped  from Abiotic factors.  The rapping of solar energy is carried ou by chlorophyll pigment capable for transforming solar energy in to chemical energy

Eg. Hydra bends toward the source of light.

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